Wednesday 30 June 2010


Cocktails said...

This looks like it was taken on another planet! Love the angle - it really makes a simple flower look well, other-worldly.

SzélsőFa said...

it looks like tropaeolum majus to me.
did you know the complete plant was edible? it has a strong peppery flavour like that of the mustard. it goes well into salads.

iLL Man said...

Cocktails - The weird thing is, I didn't do much to the shot once it was uploaded, it looked pretty much that way when I took it. The light that afternoon was astounding.

Szelso Fa - I knew they were edible, but I stick pretty much to my coriander/basil/parsley plants for putting in food. I'll give the humble nasturtium a shot at some point though.